

A Holiday Spectacular!

Yesterday I attended a 2.5 hour Christmas spectacular with my co-workers. We were wined and dined with everything from grapefruit/shrimp salad to exquisite fruit cobbler. Then after we gave the IS dept. 17 door prizes (none of which I won), we were to tune our eyes and ears to a variety show unlike anything you can even begin to fathom. Rows of blondes in tight pleather dresses and sequins and men in tight leather pants......and sequins..... lined the stage singing dreamy renditions of "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" and "Jingle Bells". But the show didn't stop there. We got a little taste of Trisha Yearwood, Johnny Cash, Willie, and even the Temptations were there! (see photo) There was also some other girl who I think was Christina Aguilera but I can't stop thinking about her outfit long enough to remember the song that she so passionately belted out. As if seeing a pregnant woman in sequins and hearing "Go Away Little Girl" from Bill Clinton weren't enough excitement.....then there was Four. If they aren't currently in your 6-disc changer, here's a refresher. Four is a hip hop group that proceeded to break dance, do the robot, and even rap all at once!!! "Word to your mother" was one of their hits. At least that was all I could make out. We were asked to sing along which no one did and were not asked to dance along, which some did anyway. The climax of the show must have been when Elvis threw his hip out on "Blue Christmas". Nothing says Emmanuel like cheap costumes and tasteless jokes! Happy Holidays!

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