

What Recession? The $170 Million Inauguration

You're probably thinking I'm just bitter because my candidate didn't win. Well I can't say I'm jumping for joy! I told myself that there is nothing I can do to change the election results and that I should start supporting and praying for Barack and hoping that he can and will do what all he says he's gonna do. But so far I'm honestly just feeling like all this "by the people, for the people" B.S. and all the other promises Obama is making are all JUST CRAP!
I mean, who says, first thing on the agenda is fixing our broken and recession tagged economy ...................... right after we throw a $170 million party to celebrate ME! (monetary figure from Let me add that a portion of the money raised to throw these parties was donated by executives who were recently "BAILED OUT" with your tax dollars. That makes a lot of sense. And what about the 2 million Americans who traveled to D.C. just to see this extravagant event take place? I thought we were in a recession. I guess they just put this trip on the VISA or perhaps failed to pay their mortgage so they could swear in the president who will take their money and give it to the lazy people who don't want to work for a living or the ones who quit their job so they can make an appearance on the Bachelor. Maybe if they are lucky, there will be a bailout plan for Obama supporters.
And how much did Stevie Wonder make from this? Sheesh, I thought the guy was dead. Apparently not. He starred in every song. What ever happened to honoring those who fight every day for our freedom? Instead of paying Beyonce, EZE, Usher, Stevie, Vanilla Ice and Rapper Joe to sing at the inauguration, what about paying for our troops to fly home to see their families for just one day? To see their sons and daughters and perhaps to be honored in their own country for the hard work and sacrifice they are making?
I confess I am bitter and not one bone in my body is excited that Obama is President. However, I am going to commit (though I will need some very faithful accountability partners) to overlook the contradictions, false claims, and other ridiculous facts about this entire election/inauguration process and pray for our future, hopeful that Obama will commit to living out all of the miraculous plans he has claimed to achieve for this country and that we, the people, will come together and ensure our rights are preserved rather than abused. We must do everything in our control to bring justice and equality to this country, which is not achieved by spreading the wealth (just so you know). The money you work very hard to earn for your family is yours to freely give as YOU see fit and as God tells you to give. But that's just my humble opinion.
Thanks for letting me vent. Now in all seriousness, God bless America and God bless Barack Obama, Michelle and their girls and especially YOU for reading my blog. We truly live in a great Nation. Let's keep it that way! :)


  1. What... you didn't see Obama walk on water the other day? Yep. True story. He even did a little tap dance routine and then snapped his fingers and cured AIDS.

  2. Buddy, great points! You always make me think and I love you for that!!!
    I agree it was alot of money on parites and glamour, but I hope that was all donations to pay for it, key word is hope...who knows..
    I have to say though, it was amazing moment for me as a Democrat and American to watch him get sworn into office. My entire department came together at 11:00am to watch it, democrats, republicans, everyone, we stood there in complete silence. We were brought together by that special moment, and all of our views were put aside to be apart of history!
    He has alot of work to do, and you never know he may not accomplish it all, but the best thing he has already done is brought HOPE! Sometimes, all we need is a little hope...
    Love ya...
