

My Apologies, Mr. President

I have been feeling very guilty for my last post. Although there are many issues I disagree with, it isn't my place to judge him and make "exaggerated" comments because I'm bitter. I clearly am not as smart or as courageous as Obama and I haven't even given him a chance to show our country that he is truly on our side and desires to see us grow and prosper as a nation. As Christians, we have a right to our political opinions, but we shouldn't judge, accuse, or condemn others for their opinions. Especially when we haven't given them a chance to succeed or fail. And to those 2 million Americans who attended the inauguration: I have no idea how you paid to go and clearly I don't care. My concern is that a great number of you look to Obama as an idol or icon rather than the next president of the United States. I just hope that you truly see something in him that will change our nation for the better and that you don't just see the color of his skin. I hope you aren't just jumping on the emotional bandwagon, but that you truly care enough about our nation that you would travel to DC to show your patriotism and prayerful support for our next president, Barack Obama. Now, to those of you who quit your job to be on the Bachelor.......I have no apologies.

1 comment:

  1. Eh, it's ok. I think at some point we've all been bitter, myself included. But yes, I see how everyone is looking at him like he's Elvis, which I don't agree with either. It's kinda weird, actually.

    I just hope is able to lead our country in a positive direction... I just don't think he needs to wear blue suede shoes to do that :)
