

Cast Iron Crisis

Tuesday after work I set out to be productive and ambitious and I was off to a great start: a successful completion of Billy Blank's Boot Camp and I didn't miss a beat.... now on to dinner. I was making Apple-and-Fennel Roasted Pork Tenderloin (which was QUITE delicious if you are looking for new recipes) and roasted sweet potatoes with cinnamon and honey. I sliced the apples, the onion, and the fennel and seasoned the meat. I was heating some oil in a cast iron skillet so I could sear the meat when I heard a huge POP!!! Um........yeah, the 50 lb cast iron skillet cracked and exploded oil and black stuff all over the stove. No worries right? Nothing soap and water won't fix. Then as I picked up the skillet to move it off the hot burner, a fire erupted from underneath and looked something like this......
I immediately began jumping up and down (for some reason, the stop, drop and roll thing just wouldn't come to me) and blowing like it was my 6th birthday and I was wishing for a brand new pink bike with pom poms on the handles or a little brother named Rameed. Apparently I have the lungs of a clown because I was able to blow that sucker right out. No problemo. Shew. Crisis averted.


  1. HILARIOUS!!! Rameed!!! Yeah, the same thing happened to me once when I was trying to make Tuna Helper. I started jumping up and down too (like that actually does something). I was so traumatized that I couldn't eat Tuna Helper for like a month. True story.

  2. oh my gosh! i cannot believe this story! I think Laura Ingalls should show you how to use a cast iron skillet.

    Nice shout out to Rameed.
