

Habitat for Humanity

Yesterday, I participated in Habitat for Humanity with a group of friends. I must say I had NO idea what I was getting into, but it was EXTREMELY rewarding. Here is a run down:

5 am Alarm..trying to think of an excuse not to go
6 am Meet Alli and head to Starbucks
6:30ish Pick up Courtney....wait in parking lot for Derrell.........
6:45 Wait for Derrell some more......
7:30 Arrive at lot 75 (coasting in on fumes) and exhausted from Derrell's endless car conversation (of which he claims was a gift from God that AM) to find that orientation/training has just ended.
8:00-8:30 Stand around, look clueless and wait for someone to tell me what to do.
8:30-lunch Pick up very large pcs of roof and hurl them up on top of the house all by myself (ok that last part was a stretch)
Lunch-4 - Paint the trim for the house....paint it again....haul 2x4 back and forth to the "horses" it rain....then paint once more....
4 pm - Clean up!

Time to go and I have NO gas in my car. I was so afraid we would run out on the way home that I asked Ash to follow us to a gas station just in case we didn't make it. I was so ready to get there and not waste anymore gas that I actually drove off with Derrell's body in the car and feet still on the sidewalk. HA! That was too hysterical. Sorry Cookies!
We finally made it to a gas station and the cashier says, "Ma'am. We normally don't allow anyone in the store without shoes on, but since you are so beautiful, we're gonna let this slide" (in a Jamaican accent) HA I had thrown my shoes away bc they were covered in mud and bc of it I almost got thrown out of the gas station! :)
The car ride home was much quieter than the ride there bc we were just exhausted. Derrell still talked, but this time we were too tired to even respond. :)
Overall it was amazing to see how quickly a home can be built for someone in need when that many people give up just one day to help out. I pray that God will bless Timothy, his nephew, and their new home for many years to come!

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