

Live for Today

Lately, I've been thinking alot about living like today was my last day on earth. I know what you're thinking, how morbid! But really, it's the best way to live! We are only promised THIS MOMENT, so why not live life to the fullest? Here are some things I ask myself constantly (and struggle with daily):

In relationship with Christ - Have I confessed all my sins to God? Have I made that relationship my number one priority? Have I done everything in my power to further the kingdom? Have I put my trust in Him? Have I abandoned myself to His will?

In relationship with Self - Have I reconciled any differences with others? Have I forgiven others who have wronged me? Have I given everything I possibly can to help and love others as Christ loves me? Have I gone after my dreams and my calling in life?

In relationship with Others - Have I told them everything I need to? Have I put as much effort into the relationship as I should? Do I need to apologize to them for anything? Is there anything I need to talk to them about? A relationship with Christ? A concern I have for them? Have I loved them unconditionally without judging them?

While I'm human and will fail along the way, my desire is to have no regrets in this life. We should always strive to live for today. Tomorrow will worry about itself. Let's cherish the relationships God has given us, love unconditionally, forgive often, laugh even more, and praise God for the blessings he has given us!

Do you all think about these things or am I just odd?

1 comment:

  1. I think about that stuff all the time! We should keep each other motivated to live life to the fullest and to let everyone know how much we love them!
