

Next In Line

Hello blogger friends! I have the most exciting news to share! This past weekend, my mom got married in a private ceremony (which I knew was going to happen just didn't know it would be Saturday until, well, Saturday). I wasn't invited to the ceremony (only their mothers) but she told me how much she wished I could've been there to share in the moment with her.

Well, apparently, she meant it. I was going to be a part of her wedding one way or another...and more importantly, she was going to give me a chance to catch that bouqet and be next in line (I mean, a girl needs all the luck she can get...thanks mom).

So, what does mom do? She drove 2 hours on the back of a motorcycle on Easter Sunday with bouqet in hand to ensure the deed was done. Knowing nothing of this secret plan, I agreed to meet her and Bob after church just to get a hug since they were cruising around on the "hog" and ended up in Dickson. So, I suggest we meet at Sonic because it was a central location. Yeah. You're getting the picture now.

We pull up to Sonic. Mom and Bob on the Honda Goldwing. Its about 9:30pm. While Ed is ordering his Oreo blast, mom proceeds to turn around toss the bouqet through the crisp Spring air and I caught it!! Woo hoo! My chances of being next in line are well....1 of 1. Not bad. I'm not sure what that says about me that my mom would drive 2 hours to make sure I caught the bouqet, but I'm grateful to have been a part of her weekend. I don't think either of us will forget that moment for quite some time!


  1. Awww, that's sweet, Megan! Was Ed sweating? Anytime I mention "bouquet catching" around a guy, it's amazing how quickly little beads of sweat start forming on their foreheads, ha!

  2. here's how the story went down for me...
    "um megan, where you in a wedding i didn't know about this past weekend?" i say as I am staring at this pink bouquet in a vase of water on her dining room table.

    "ahahaha! well let me tell you..."
