

Five Things That Inspire Me

My friend Ashley posted 5 things that inspire her and asked that I blog it forward! What a fun challenge! I'm excited to share the long overdue....5 things that inspire me!

God's Creation

I am in awe of the beauty of His masterpiece and am inspired to know that God is in all things!

Serving Others

Pouring into the lives of others and seeing the impact it can have inspires me to do everything I can to help others.


Singing is one of my greatest passions, but I get goosebumps when I just close my eyes and listen to my entire church worshiping at the same time. What a beautiful sound! I am also rediscovering my love for playing the piano. There is something inspiring about making the notes come to life and creating your own song!


There is something magical about a good book! I used to not be able to sit still long enough to read a book so now I think my inspiration comes in knowing that I actually completed the task! HA


Being able to take my mind off of a hectic day and cook inspires me to be creative! There is nothing better than smelling a wonderful aroma in the to eating it!!

Thanks sfgirlbybay for creating Blog It Forward! Now I'd like to pass my umbrella to my girlies Tara and Tanya. Be sure to check their blogs to see what inspires them and pass it forward!

1 comment:

  1. cooking! yes of course, yum. I think I am long overdue for an excellent dinner party at your house. Let's (aka you) send out an evite for a night soon! Next weekend???

    I think you should also begin writing a love song based on the story of Jay and Diane.
