

I Have Arrived!

Just wanted to send a quick update to let you all know I've arrived in AR safely and finally have internet at home! :) Here are a few pics of our new place:

I couldn't fit all the pics on here but just know my favorite parts are the jacuzi tub and the huge walk in closet with built in shelves!!! Its just perfect!! We still haven't bought couches and a few other necessities, but we plan to shop when Ed makes his first visit...this weekend (I can't wait!!)! I'm also loving having a king bed. Mac and I can spread out and still not touch!

Work has been great. My first week flew by in a whirlwind. It is really fast paced, but I'm having a blast. I really think I will enjoy being in the hospital setting and getting to see first hand why we do what we do. It's very rewarding, not to mention I'm learning a ton!

I couldn't have made the move without the help of mom and Bob so a HUGE shout out to them for their help in getting me loaded, moved and unpacked! It was nice having them here for my first weekend in AR!

More to to sleep. I have 8 hours of orientation tomorrow. Yikes!


  1. megan! i looooove the place! it's da bomb! cant wait to see it in person!

  2. SUPER cute! I love the staircase!!
