

Global Warming

Here are a few pics of the recent ice storm to take over many parts of the US including Kentucky and that caused my family to all come stay at my house! It was a treat for me to have my family here, but the circumstances are devastating for them. Many of my family members are still without running water or electricity and are having to stay in hotels. You'll love this: my dad ground up (smashed) coffee beans on a plate and ran bottled water over them in a filter into a pan. Then he heated the pan on the grill in 20 degree weather in order to get his morning coffee....HA HA That was before he scraped his steps with a 3" ice scraper and then chainsawed his way out of town to come see me for the weekend!! :) I so wish I had pictures of that!
So, be thankful that you can drink hot coffee while you read this because there are thousands, probably millions of Americans right now who cannot even get water from the faucet or take a hot shower! And they say it will be weeks before they get power back. Heavenly Father, thank you for the many many blessings we take for granted every day, Amen.


  1. Party at Megan's! :)

    Attire: Snowsuits

  2. Even though it's so terrible to think about so many people having difficulties due to the ice storm, I can't help but comment on how beautiful the pictures are...God is so powerful.
    Just wanted to share :)

  3. hey megan! can't believe it has been so long since we last talked... painting class i think... anywho, i have enjoyed looking at your blog spot! I have actually been back and forth to Gillbertsville,KY a few times in the last weeks and have experienced the destruction first hand, AMAZINZG what damage ice can do! Hope to see/talk soon,
    Margaret (
