


Definitions of community: a group of people living in a particular local area; common ownership; common interests; agreement as to goals. Today I am joining a new community (click the link to join one too)! A community of people who are curious about our Creator and who desire to live life as HE desires. We are meeting once a week at my house and are studying a book called Jaded by Mike Harder. We will also be eating...because I think Webster left that definition off the list. In my opinion, community = food. :) My prayer for this new group is that God will show up and move in BIG ways, that we can learn from one another and hold each other accountable, and that we will develop healthy friendships and have some fun along the way! I think it is crucial for Christians to have a small group of believers to "do" life with. Some call it a support group, I call it a community. Sometimes we need someone from the outside looking in to guide us, teach us, pray for us/with us, and love us! Sometimes we need to talk things out and sometimes we just need to listen. That's what community is all about! Do you think its crucial for believers to be involved in a small group or a community that study's God's word and lives life together?

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited about our community group! I also gave in and created a blog. . . lol. Guess it was peer pressure!
