

NYC Trip

Diane and I met her sister and her friend in NYC for a girls weekend! We had a blast!!!!! We saw Mary Poppins on Broadway, Central Park, Bryant Park, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, SOHO, 5th Avenue, Empire State Building, Wall Street, NYSE, and on and on.....all in 3 days!

My favorite pic (of the 5 I actually took) was of these beams that were left behind when the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11th and they were found in this exact formation. What a testiment to the fact that our Lord is still working in our world today! He surrounds His people even in the middle of a national crisis!

We had an incredible and action packed weekend but my wallet is glad that I'm home. Now off to Gatlinburg for another girls weekend.....


  1. I never had a chance to get to Ground Zero when I visited NYC, its incredible to see that picture. Thanks for sharing!

    Next time you make a trip to The City That Never Sleeps, be sure to have brunch at Max Brenner's Chocolate By The Bald Man. It will change your life, and I dont even like chocolate, so that's saying something!

  2. Ugh, I totally commented on this last week, but when I went to post, it said error. So I came back this morning to see if it went through, and no such luck.

    ANYWAY, (if this actually goes through) I'm so glad you had fun on your trip and that you posted one of the FIVE pics you took! Next time, take me with you :)
