

Bucket List

There's been lots of talk recently about bucket lists as my friends and I have done quite a bit of traveling lately. First it was NY for me, then Gatlinburg the next weekend for Kristin's going away party. She is leaving us for 27 months to go to Panama for the Peace Corps and we are going to miss her SO MUCH!!!!!! Ed and I have come up with our own bucket list (or more like a to do list) of things we want to do and experience together and its really been fun dreaming of all the places we wish to eat at and travel to. My top three....hmmm....probably Hawaii, Italy and Greece! I know, this is one expensive list. But we also want to do some local fun things like eat at Loveless Cafe and my favorite, Bread & Company. I can't wait to experience all of these things with you B! What would be the top three places on your "bucket list"?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Peru
    2. Grand Canyon
    3. Germany

    1. Hang out with Ed
    2. Get Diane in a costume

    :-) Miss you friend!
