

Yancey en Panama

My friend Kristin (click here for her blog) is in Panama with the Peace Corps. I was just reading her blog and so AMAZED at the strength this woman has. First of all, I wouldn't make it two days in the situation she is in and I must say that I'm shocked that she has made it a month! She takes bucket baths, uses a latrane, sometimes doesn't have water and electricity and has seen/killed every bug you can IMAGINE! She has learned a new language (Spanish) and is doing an amazing thing by helping a third world country develop their tourism industry and I know she is also affecting everyone she meets there with her contagious smile! Yancey, I'm SO proud of you and laugh so hard at your stories because I know you well enough to know EXACTLY how you are reacting both physically and verbally in these situations. HA HA It won't let me post a comment to your blog so consider this my comment. Hang in there sister and look to God for strength. He is the only one of us that will be there with you since there are bugs and snakes and stuff. he he I mean, can you see Ellie or I killing a cockroach???? Love you sister! You are an inspiration to us all!

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