

To Wii or Not to Wii

I am SERIOUSLY debating on whether to get a Nintendo Wii Fit and Wii Active in order to make working out more fun. I have read articles that debate whether or not you actually can lose weight/improve your health or whether it just gets people off the couch for a few minutes.
I personally do not workout out at all right now so my thought process is, "any exercise is better than no exercise" right? But I don't want to waste $300-400 on the thing if its not going to help me get into shape.
Do you have a Wii fit? Do you find it helps you to be more active? Has it helped you to lose weight/tone?


  1. Buddy- Kisha does Wii Fit and loves it. She has lost weight, and saids it can be a workout. I think it is worth the $, if you use it. Just like a gym membership, you only get out of it what you put in. I can't wait to make my Mii. That is the most fun!

  2. I would totally get a Wii if I had an extra $300 laying around. I've never done Wii Fit, but I sweat just from boxing on the regular Wii, so there's no telling what I'd do with the Fit!

    I say go for it! I'll be over to make a friend for Jazzy...

  3. You should totally do it! I love wii fit. I’ll be honest, I don’t use mine as much as I did when I first got it, but I do love it. I think if you use it regularly, it makes a great way to kind of hold you accountable to doing something instead of sitting on the couch watching a movie. And it definitely brings a level of activity and makes it fun at the same time. I’ve been thinking about getting the wii active. If you get it, I want to come try it out. :)
