

Pray for Sergio

I am so excited about my new child sponsorship with Compassion International! His name is Sergio David Rodas Linares. He is from Honduras and is ten years old. He is such a cutie!!! I picked him because he looks like Alyssa's son Zakaria who is cute as a button!! Sorry about the pic but I took this from a laminated packet. I like to think of that bright shining spot as his lil angel! Sergio has six siblings and loves to play soccer, marbles and ride a bicycle. I am looking forward to pen palling with Sergio and praying for him. Through Compassion, he will participate in church activities and Bible classes and will opportunities to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. The sponsorship will go toward not only helping Sergio get food and education, but will also help his family and his village. Please say a prayer for Sergio and his family as they live in one of the poorest countries in Central America!

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