

Chasing Daylight Chapter 1

Last night my small group started our study of Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus. We had amazing discussion about how to seize every moment of our lives to fully live for Christ! I will post our discussion outline each week (written by me so don't expect much) but we would love for you to study along with us! We are a 20s and 30s co-ed small group of 10 going on 30 (literally) so pray for us as we make this transition and find a space to fit us!

1. What fear, doubt, pain or disappointment is keeping you from a life FULLY lived? McManus says “to play it safe is to lose the game” (p5). Do you agree/disagree? What does he mean by this?

2. We sometimes put God in the backseat because we want to control the outcomes of our lives. What area(s) of your life do YOU control that you need to let go of?

3. Do you ever feel like your past is so ugly that God couldn’t possibly make anything of your life? Perhaps you are currently not making the best choices in the moments you are given. Even in our deepest, darkest place, God will PURSUE us and set out in search of our hearts. What HOPE we can find in that!

4. “A moment is small enough to ignore and big enough to change your life forever” (p17) WOW! Our journey is defined by the CHOICES we make in every moment from here on out. We can’t change past moments but even “at our worst, good is only one decision away” (p24). So what are we waiting for?

Challenge: Find something to be a reminder for you this week to live for the MOMENT! (I’m using a rubber band bracelet) Pray that God will create in you a clean heart to start over from this very moment to make the most of the short life we have on this earth!

Verses: Psalms 51:10, Phil 3:13-14

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