

We can Make a Difference!

I know that everyone is saddened by the tragedy in Haiti. Thousands of lives are said to be lost, children have lost parents, injured can't get the medical help that they need, and food and water are in short supply. It seems that in times like these, our hearts break during the initial shock and then we move on with our lives because the tragedy seems so distant and it seems that there is nothing we can do from here to help someone so far away. PLEASE realize that if every single one of us committed to pray for those people daily or agreed to give a one time gift to a reputable organization like Samaritan's Purse who already have a team on the ground in Haiti providing food, water and medicine, we CAN make a difference! It is up to us to change the world! I urge you to pray for the millions affected by this earthquake and to pray about what YOU can do to make a difference in a life there!

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