

I'm Engaged!!

Ed and I got engaged Friday before our trip to Chicago! I had no idea because he kept saying he hadn't talked to my dad yet. Well, he lied. HA So Friday we met at my house at 4pm to go to the airport. When I got out of the car, I heard a low, deep voice say, "Ma'am, I'm with homeland security and I have someone who needs to speak with you. Please come with me." I turned around and there was a huge security guard with a black suit, bald head and black sun glasses and he motioned me toward the white stretch HUMMER in the street in front of my house....I was freaked out. Then he opened the door and Ed was on his knee with the ring!!! It was georgous!!! I was totally in my Arkansas t-shirt from work. Not looking good. But it was super special because he caught me off guard and I had no idea!!!!! So we rode to the airport in the limo and had celebration drinks at Tootsies before our flight!

Our trip to Chicago was a blast! The hotel was AWESOME and overlooked the shops on Michigan Avenue and the water! Saturday we shopped, took a segway tour (most fun, EVER!) and then had dinner at MK. They had printed special menus that said congratulations on your engagement. We had a wonderful dinner and then they brought us dessert with congratulations written in chocolate and champagne! Then we went out and met up with some friends for drinks! The next day we went on a shopping spree to try to find my wedding shoes but no one had my size!

Overall, BEST WEEKEND EVER!!! :) Everything about it was perfect and just confirmed I'm the luckiest woman alive!!

1 comment:

  1. 1. omg you two on those Segways are pure magic!
    2. you look so so gorgeous in that last pic with ed!
    3. congrats my dear!
