

Chasing Daylight Chapter 6

Sorry to do this but I have to play catch up! Here are the last 4 outlines for the Chasing Daylight study. Then I can blog about whatever I want! :) (Ashley your "What inspires me?" blog post is coming)

1. McManus uses the analogy of God’s party. God was throwing a party for his family in LA and if they didn’t RSVP there would be two empty seats. What excuses are we making not to attend the party that God is inviting us to? Why would we ever want to miss out on the greatest party of all times? “Many times when we claim we are waiting on God, He is waiting on us” (pg 162).

2. “When you’re moving with God, you must move with an advance mentality. You move forward unless God tells you to stop. You advance unless God tells you to wait. There are certain things that you do not need permission to do. You’ve already been commissioned to do them. There are certain things that you do not need a calling to do. You’ve already been commanded to do them” (pg 159). What are these things and what sign are you waiting for?

3. Society makes us think there is a road map for every aspect of our lives and if we don’t accomplish that checklist we have messed up. God doesn’t give us a detailed outline of what to do each day and how to accomplish His will for our lives. Instead, he gives us a compass. What has he given us to use as a guide? How are we to use these things to move forward in the journey? We must remember that everyone’s journey is different and that there is no set path to following Christ. It is as unique as each of us.

4. Once we decide not to turn back, our only option is to move forward, “to face [our] giants”. We must “make clear our priorities. Are we in it for what we can get or for what we can give?” (pg 175). What is your mindset and how can we ensure it aligns with God’s character?

Challenge: Are we filling our lives with friends and family who want to seize divine moments and capture all that life has to experience? Pray that God will help you overcome your fears. Don’t wait on God, just advance. “No phobia, no fear, just pure defiance-leaning forward, seizing the divine moments, advancing the kingdom of God” (pg 173).

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