

Chasing Daylight Chapter 9

The final chapter of a great book!

1. “Often lost potential is a result of lack of investment”. Are we guilty of this? What excuses do we make for our lack of investment? “Potential is a glimpse of what could be, yet there must be a shift from where we have potential to where we are potent” (pg 237). McManus speaks about the ages where we should shift from potential to productivity. Are we at that stage? Have you done this or are you missing out on opportunities that God has put within your potential?

2. McManus discusses four types of people affected by divine moments: faithful, paralyzed, prodigals, and dysfunctional. Which one are you most like? Are there people in your life who fit these categories that need to be unleashed or restored? Is God calling you to show them a glimpse of His Glory through your influence in their life?

3. We were created for relationships and to live in community with one another. Everything we do affects others in some way. Are you hurting or helping others through your actions? “It is extremely dangerous to make yourself all you care about”. “We get better when we give ourselves away” (pg 253). Divine moments are not “self-serving”, but moments where we, through our obedience and movement with God, allow him to change others. Let’s move out of the way and let God’s love shine through.

4. “God is always the Source of life. Wherever He is, there is always a future and a hope. He raises us from the dead, never intending that we would spend our lives leaning against our tombstones” (pg 256). Are we just hanging around in our Christian bubble or are we impacting the “world by fighting the battles that are on God’s heart” (pg 257)? What can we do to ensure that we seize every moment instead of letting them slip away?

Challenge: Imagine what your potential looks like in God’s eyes. Are you living up to that potential? Are you using every gift/talent/opportunity to spread Christ’s love to others? Ask God to show you areas where you have great potential that needs to be unleashed. Set a goal for this week to seize one opportunity that uses your potential to further the Kingdom. Let’s impact the “world by fighting the battles that are on God’s heart” (pg 257)!!

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