

Chasing Daylight Chapter 5

Sorry, playing catch up!

1. McManus talks about removing our cloak of invisibility and “stepping up and making sure [our] life counts”. “There is something about divine moments that requires us to go through the pass, to venture beyond the point of no return” (pg 135). Where do you see yourself in this area? Are you in the backdrop or the forefront? Is God asking you to step out and be a light but you are too afraid to make yourself visible?

2. In talking about taking risks and putting our well-being aside for the well-being of others, he describes failure as “part of God’s environment for shaping our character” (pg 145). He isn’t referring to a punishment from God, but an activity that helps mold us and develop our character in Him. Have you ever failed in attempts to step out and take a leap of faith? Did God teach you something in the process?

3. McManus alludes to the importance of the “middle” of our lives. “In between “once upon a time” and “they lived happily ever after” is called now” (pg 148). So many times we focus on our successes and failures that we forget to realize the impact of the journey. How can we shift our focus to the “middle” of our journey?

4. “The center of God’s will is not a safe place, but the most dangerous place in the world. God fears nothing and no one. God moves with intentionality and power. To live outside God’s will puts us in danger, but to live in His will makes us dangerous” (pg151). Discuss this statement and what McManus means by this.

Challenge: What is one area of your life that you fear? Focus this week on the reason you are afraid to take a risk in this area of your life or in this calling and face that fear. Face the risk and take action. We might fail, but God will be with us, will protect us and see us through the struggle and we will come out on the other side stronger and closer to Him.

1 comment:

  1. Megan!!!
    Okay so I JUST wrote a blog about fear -about 30 minutes ago. And then went to read Ashley's new blog and she has that fab new category titled "Stalk a Stranger"
    ...I clicked on M&M
    ...not knowing what it was
    ...scrolled down
    ...eyeballs shot to the paragraph above. Jesus? Is that you?
    Yes. Yes it is.
    Love your blog. Adding you to mine :)
    - Christy Brown
