

A Holiday Spectacular!

Yesterday I attended a 2.5 hour Christmas spectacular with my co-workers. We were wined and dined with everything from grapefruit/shrimp salad to exquisite fruit cobbler. Then after we gave the IS dept. 17 door prizes (none of which I won), we were to tune our eyes and ears to a variety show unlike anything you can even begin to fathom. Rows of blondes in tight pleather dresses and sequins and men in tight leather pants......and sequins..... lined the stage singing dreamy renditions of "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" and "Jingle Bells". But the show didn't stop there. We got a little taste of Trisha Yearwood, Johnny Cash, Willie, and even the Temptations were there! (see photo) There was also some other girl who I think was Christina Aguilera but I can't stop thinking about her outfit long enough to remember the song that she so passionately belted out. As if seeing a pregnant woman in sequins and hearing "Go Away Little Girl" from Bill Clinton weren't enough excitement.....then there was Four. If they aren't currently in your 6-disc changer, here's a refresher. Four is a hip hop group that proceeded to break dance, do the robot, and even rap all at once!!! "Word to your mother" was one of their hits. At least that was all I could make out. We were asked to sing along which no one did and were not asked to dance along, which some did anyway. The climax of the show must have been when Elvis threw his hip out on "Blue Christmas". Nothing says Emmanuel like cheap costumes and tasteless jokes! Happy Holidays!


A Forgotten Angel

I am fortunate enough to work with a group of people who are so giving of their time and money. Together, we sponsored a Forgotten Angel from the Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program and look at all the great things we were able to get her!! The best part is, Tara and I got to do the shopping!!!
If you want to sponsor an Angel Tree child, it's not too late! You can go to any Daily's Market (gas station) and get a Forgotten Angel that didn't get picked during the Angel Tree process. You have until December 19th to shop and return the unwrapped gifts to the same store where you selected your child.
Good luck and Happy Giving!!


Most Important Person of 2008

Time Magazine is currently working on their "Most Important Person of 2008". Of course, Barack Obama is in the lead. My pastor posted a blog on the topic today asking who in OUR lives should be nominated for Most Important Person of the Year.
It got me thinking about who has influenced me or impacted my life most in 2008 and I'll be quite honest no one came immediately to mind. That's not to say no one impacted my life over the course of the year or that I don't surround myself with absolutely amazing people, but there wasn't one person that stood out more than the rest.
After some deep thinking, I have selected my grandmother, Mary Jean Ramage. She is the most selfless and Godly woman I know, and she has taught me many things this year.
1. She has taught me to be positive no matter what the circumstances. We lost my grandfather, her husband, in January to cancer and I've never seen anyone respond as well as she did. I'm sure she has had her share of tears and grief, but she has always been such a joy to be around and did more to lift our spirits than we did to lift hers. She was an amazing wife through thick and thin when papow was at his best and his worst.
2. She is the most selfless, thoughtful person. She has been suffering from chronic luekemia for almost 2 years now and no one really even knew until a month ago. She claims that we were all so worried about papow that she couldn't bear the thought of us worrying about her, too. She was able to keep it under control with medication until about a week ago. It was when I found out she would be undergoing her first 6 hour chemo treatment that I found out she was even sick. She hasn't complained, she hasn't griped, and she still has the same joy in her heart that she has had for years.
3. She lives life each day knowing that God is in control and that we can do more good by remaining positive and joyful than by dwelling on our sorrows. I hope and pray that I can be the woman, mother, and grandmother one day that she is today.
I love you mamow!!!! I'm praying for you!!!


Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving's End!

Unfortunately, I caught a bad stomach bug on Thanksgiving Day! So I'm so thankful that Thanksgiving is over and I'm feeling some better. However, I did get to spend some great time with family last week (prior to getting sick). I got to stay with my mom, play with my niece and nephew, hang with my brother and sis-n-law and cook lots of Thanksgiving treats with my dad! I wish I had pictures of the pies we made...yum! Here is a pic of my niece and nephew under the tree! Brady is 4 and Lyla is 5 months!