

Out of Touch with Reality

One of the biggest problems outsiders claim to have with the Christian faith is that we are judgmental and out of touch with reality. I would agree. There are many Christ followers who preach at others in an attempt to "scare" them into faith when in reality they scare them away. Others send a vibe of arrogance and superiority which sends people running in the other direction. Sometimes, we become judgmental of others and we don't even realize we are doing it.

Those of you who know me, know that I don't watch much TV at all, I only listen to Way-FM radio, and I can barely put an actor's face with a name. I'm just REALLY out of touch with reality. Period. I never thought that had anything to do with me being above it, just the fact that I don't have TIME to watch TV (due to studying for the CPA exam), it doesn't really interest me (because I can't sit still for very long), and I don't have any more brain cells left (again, studying for the CPA exam) to remember names of people who don't really matter to my life. Hear that? MY life. My self-focused life.

I just read a blog post by Jonathan Acuff titled "Bragging about being clueless about pop culture" that REALLY put me in my place....and made me laugh hysterically. I am SO guilty of bragging about being clueless about pop culture, although usually followed by embarrassment when I don't know things like Tom Cruise = Jerry McGuire (yea, that was bad). I just never thought others might see that as me claiming to be in this world but not "of" it or being better than them.

After reading this post, I've realized that even though I might not say the things he mentions in his blog post, I may be thinking them. This comes back to a heart issue. Trust me, I'm not saying I have a problem with a little Family Guy, etc. After all, I have seen every episode of Sex and the City on DVD. I'm just realizing that sometimes I am guilty of giving Christians these horrible perceptions and I don't even realize it!

So, to all you TV buffs, keep doing what you do. And when I brag about being clueless about pop culture, just know that I am not judging you for how you spend your time, I'm really just embarrassed that I can't even contribute to the conversation or that I'm so busy studying for this exam that I keep failing to watch with you! :)

Please check out Jon Acuff's blog for more posts about Stuff Christians Like. To read another one of my favorites, Click here!


Next In Line

Hello blogger friends! I have the most exciting news to share! This past weekend, my mom got married in a private ceremony (which I knew was going to happen just didn't know it would be Saturday until, well, Saturday). I wasn't invited to the ceremony (only their mothers) but she told me how much she wished I could've been there to share in the moment with her.

Well, apparently, she meant it. I was going to be a part of her wedding one way or another...and more importantly, she was going to give me a chance to catch that bouqet and be next in line (I mean, a girl needs all the luck she can get...thanks mom).

So, what does mom do? She drove 2 hours on the back of a motorcycle on Easter Sunday with bouqet in hand to ensure the deed was done. Knowing nothing of this secret plan, I agreed to meet her and Bob after church just to get a hug since they were cruising around on the "hog" and ended up in Dickson. So, I suggest we meet at Sonic because it was a central location. Yeah. You're getting the picture now.

We pull up to Sonic. Mom and Bob on the Honda Goldwing. Its about 9:30pm. While Ed is ordering his Oreo blast, mom proceeds to turn around toss the bouqet through the crisp Spring air and I caught it!! Woo hoo! My chances of being next in line are well....1 of 1. Not bad. I'm not sure what that says about me that my mom would drive 2 hours to make sure I caught the bouqet, but I'm grateful to have been a part of her weekend. I don't think either of us will forget that moment for quite some time!