

Five Things That Inspire Me

My friend Ashley posted 5 things that inspire her and asked that I blog it forward! What a fun challenge! I'm excited to share the long overdue....5 things that inspire me!

God's Creation

I am in awe of the beauty of His masterpiece and am inspired to know that God is in all things!

Serving Others

Pouring into the lives of others and seeing the impact it can have inspires me to do everything I can to help others.


Singing is one of my greatest passions, but I get goosebumps when I just close my eyes and listen to my entire church worshiping at the same time. What a beautiful sound! I am also rediscovering my love for playing the piano. There is something inspiring about making the notes come to life and creating your own song!


There is something magical about a good book! I used to not be able to sit still long enough to read a book so now I think my inspiration comes in knowing that I actually completed the task! HA


Being able to take my mind off of a hectic day and cook inspires me to be creative! There is nothing better than smelling a wonderful aroma in the to eating it!!

Thanks sfgirlbybay for creating Blog It Forward! Now I'd like to pass my umbrella to my girlies Tara and Tanya. Be sure to check their blogs to see what inspires them and pass it forward!

Chasing Daylight Chapter 9

The final chapter of a great book!

1. “Often lost potential is a result of lack of investment”. Are we guilty of this? What excuses do we make for our lack of investment? “Potential is a glimpse of what could be, yet there must be a shift from where we have potential to where we are potent” (pg 237). McManus speaks about the ages where we should shift from potential to productivity. Are we at that stage? Have you done this or are you missing out on opportunities that God has put within your potential?

2. McManus discusses four types of people affected by divine moments: faithful, paralyzed, prodigals, and dysfunctional. Which one are you most like? Are there people in your life who fit these categories that need to be unleashed or restored? Is God calling you to show them a glimpse of His Glory through your influence in their life?

3. We were created for relationships and to live in community with one another. Everything we do affects others in some way. Are you hurting or helping others through your actions? “It is extremely dangerous to make yourself all you care about”. “We get better when we give ourselves away” (pg 253). Divine moments are not “self-serving”, but moments where we, through our obedience and movement with God, allow him to change others. Let’s move out of the way and let God’s love shine through.

4. “God is always the Source of life. Wherever He is, there is always a future and a hope. He raises us from the dead, never intending that we would spend our lives leaning against our tombstones” (pg 256). Are we just hanging around in our Christian bubble or are we impacting the “world by fighting the battles that are on God’s heart” (pg 257)? What can we do to ensure that we seize every moment instead of letting them slip away?

Challenge: Imagine what your potential looks like in God’s eyes. Are you living up to that potential? Are you using every gift/talent/opportunity to spread Christ’s love to others? Ask God to show you areas where you have great potential that needs to be unleashed. Set a goal for this week to seize one opportunity that uses your potential to further the Kingdom. Let’s impact the “world by fighting the battles that are on God’s heart” (pg 257)!!

Chasing Daylight Chapter 8

1. McManus talks about being one step behind: praying when we should be obeying, acting when we should be waiting, etc. Do you feel you are one step behind seizing God’s divine moments in your life? What causes this? What can we do to ensure that we are in the right place at the right time?

2. The Father knows what you need before you ask him. So, why pray? “Prayer is not about informing God of your needs, nor is it even about trying to convince God to help you. Prayer is about connecting to God” (pg 215). Also, “we are not positioned to seize divine moments when we neglect to pray. Prayer keeps you in step with God’s Spirit and in tune to His voice” (pg 217). But McManus also talks about the danger/emptiness in meaningless repetition of prayer. What things to do we need to focus on in effective prayer and what is the goal?

3. McManus talks about the importance of obedience before prayer. Do you agree? Many situations are black and white in the Word and some feel they can’t act yet because they “just need to pray about it” when really they just need to take action. Are there any situations in your life that you are constantly praying about that can be answered through God’s word and pure obedience?

4. This chapter focuses on movement. If we are obedient and move with God, we have no idea the impact it can have on others. Others then see Christ in us and are drawn to the movement. It may at first just open their eyes to Christianity and raise questions, but that is the first step. We may never know the number of people changed by our simple acts of obedience. When you move, what do others see? Do they see Christ?

Challenge: Let’s focus this week on seizing every moment to move in line with God’s heart. If we are obedient and walk with Him, others will see Christ in us. We have the ability to influence others through our obedience. Pray that God will show you areas that are clear in His word so we can start obeying instead of praying about things that should be clear! Pray that God will use our simple obedience to make a huge impact on those around us!

Chasing Daylight Chapter 7

1. We shouldn’t always wait for God to open doors because many opportunities are within the walls; they require “genuine effort”. Christianity often suggests that “if God is in it, it comes easily” (pg 183). Therefore, when we struggle with something, we assume that God isn’t in it or we are pursuing the wrong thing. Have you ever struggled through a situation wondering if God was in it? Have you ever given up because the way was too tough? If God speaks through open doors and sometimes through walls, how do we know it’s Him?

2. Has God ever asked you “what are you doing here”? Many of us settle for mediocre, average lives, but God has called us to so much more. “The solution is to stop running and hiding from God and to listen once again to His voice. Wherever you are, God will find you. This is not a threat: this is a promise”. “When we run from His purpose, we run from His presence” (pg 189). Could this be why He feels so distant at times and we aren’t hearing His voice clearly? Do you often feel like God isn’t there?

3. McManus discusses the story of Elijah (1 Kings 19). Sometimes we must take a few steps back before we can see the light. Describe a time in your life when God had you go back before moving forward. Sometimes our efforts cause backward movement even when we feel we are moving in the right direction. “Are you willing to do the right things even if the result is decline?” (pg 192)

Challenge: Are you willing to bear the initial impact of following Christ alone? What are you running from because you are afraid that God will not come through or you will be alone in the journey? Pray that God will give you the courage to step out and take a leap of faith. “Whenever we are willing to bear the initial impact, whenever we choose to seize those divine moments whatever the cost, we create the opportunity for God to make visible the invisible, for God to shake things up, for God to make Himself known” (pg 202).

Chasing Daylight Chapter 6

Sorry to do this but I have to play catch up! Here are the last 4 outlines for the Chasing Daylight study. Then I can blog about whatever I want! :) (Ashley your "What inspires me?" blog post is coming)

1. McManus uses the analogy of God’s party. God was throwing a party for his family in LA and if they didn’t RSVP there would be two empty seats. What excuses are we making not to attend the party that God is inviting us to? Why would we ever want to miss out on the greatest party of all times? “Many times when we claim we are waiting on God, He is waiting on us” (pg 162).

2. “When you’re moving with God, you must move with an advance mentality. You move forward unless God tells you to stop. You advance unless God tells you to wait. There are certain things that you do not need permission to do. You’ve already been commissioned to do them. There are certain things that you do not need a calling to do. You’ve already been commanded to do them” (pg 159). What are these things and what sign are you waiting for?

3. Society makes us think there is a road map for every aspect of our lives and if we don’t accomplish that checklist we have messed up. God doesn’t give us a detailed outline of what to do each day and how to accomplish His will for our lives. Instead, he gives us a compass. What has he given us to use as a guide? How are we to use these things to move forward in the journey? We must remember that everyone’s journey is different and that there is no set path to following Christ. It is as unique as each of us.

4. Once we decide not to turn back, our only option is to move forward, “to face [our] giants”. We must “make clear our priorities. Are we in it for what we can get or for what we can give?” (pg 175). What is your mindset and how can we ensure it aligns with God’s character?

Challenge: Are we filling our lives with friends and family who want to seize divine moments and capture all that life has to experience? Pray that God will help you overcome your fears. Don’t wait on God, just advance. “No phobia, no fear, just pure defiance-leaning forward, seizing the divine moments, advancing the kingdom of God” (pg 173).


Safe Haven

I am so blessed to be able to hang out with the kids at Safe Haven, a Christian homeless family transition center designed to give families a fresh start. Twice a month, they bless me with their SWEET smiles and laughs...not to mention I get a workout trying to keep up with them! A few weeks ago we had a fashion show with some Halloween costumes that were donated. Check out these adorable smiles!!

If you love kids and are looking for a way to serve the Kingdom, I encourage you to come up to Safe Haven and just meet these sweet kids. You'll fall in love and be hooked just like I am!! Leave a comment if you want more information on how to get involved in this ministry!


Chasing Daylight Chapter 5

Sorry, playing catch up!

1. McManus talks about removing our cloak of invisibility and “stepping up and making sure [our] life counts”. “There is something about divine moments that requires us to go through the pass, to venture beyond the point of no return” (pg 135). Where do you see yourself in this area? Are you in the backdrop or the forefront? Is God asking you to step out and be a light but you are too afraid to make yourself visible?

2. In talking about taking risks and putting our well-being aside for the well-being of others, he describes failure as “part of God’s environment for shaping our character” (pg 145). He isn’t referring to a punishment from God, but an activity that helps mold us and develop our character in Him. Have you ever failed in attempts to step out and take a leap of faith? Did God teach you something in the process?

3. McManus alludes to the importance of the “middle” of our lives. “In between “once upon a time” and “they lived happily ever after” is called now” (pg 148). So many times we focus on our successes and failures that we forget to realize the impact of the journey. How can we shift our focus to the “middle” of our journey?

4. “The center of God’s will is not a safe place, but the most dangerous place in the world. God fears nothing and no one. God moves with intentionality and power. To live outside God’s will puts us in danger, but to live in His will makes us dangerous” (pg151). Discuss this statement and what McManus means by this.

Challenge: What is one area of your life that you fear? Focus this week on the reason you are afraid to take a risk in this area of your life or in this calling and face that fear. Face the risk and take action. We might fail, but God will be with us, will protect us and see us through the struggle and we will come out on the other side stronger and closer to Him.

Chasing Daylight Chapter 4

1. Describe the differences between manipulation, authority and influence. Manipulation and authority relate to controlling others for “personal gain”, while influence is “a power affecting a person…without any direct or apparent effort” (pg 117). “Authority can shape what a person does, but influence shapes who a person becomes” (pg 114). Wow, think of the power that holds!

2. Influence travels through relationships – Whose lives are you impacting? “Through our character, we pass on attitudes, values, and other life-shaping virtues. All of us pass a bit of ourselves on to others” (pg 115). Think of someone who has influenced you in a positive way. How was their character contagious and what made you want to be more like them? Are there any negative influences you need to flee from?

3. Sometimes we think we are exempt from influencing others’ lives because we don’t have the resources or knowledge that others were given. None of us are perfect. Many times we place so much guilt on ourselves for our shortcomings that we don’t feel capable of influencing others. Do we really need resources or wisdom to be a positive influence? Here’s the formula: “Having a right relationship with God results in having right relationships with others” (pg 116).

4. “Influence is not limited to our present condition” (pg 125). Our lives may not be perfect but that doesn’t mean we don’t have the ability to influence in a positive way. Influence is about who we are but also who we desire to become. When we are open to confess our sins and shortcomings, we show others what we value as the right thing to do.

Challenge: “The relationship between character and influence is like breathing – the deeper you inhale, the stronger you can exhale” (pg 126). What are you inhaling in your life? (i.e., friends, work, TV) Let’s focus this week on inhaling the character of God. Let’s breathe in His Word in a deep way and then exhale a positive influence on those around us. Take time this week to call someone who has had a positive influence on your life and let them know you appreciate them.