

Mineral Fusion Lotion

I want to share with you my absolute favorite body lotion, Mineral Fusion. This lotion is thick and creamy, but soaks into your skin quickly. It contains no parabens so it is healthy for your skin (unlike most of the leading lotions (Vasoline, Bath & Body Works, etc.). Treat yourself to wonderful, smooth skin! You can get it at Whole Foods/Whole Body. Unfortunately, for the Arkansians, they do not sell it in our wonderful state, but you can order it online. :)

A Heathier YOU

Ok, I have been pretty bad about blogging (except to showcase my brag book of wedding pics) so I thought I needed to start blogging about something I'm passionate about that other people NEED to know about!! So here it is, the new direction of the blog: HEALTHY LIVING. Ed has really gotten me focused and addicted to trying to eat better, live longer and use products that do not contain hazardous chemicals, toxins, etc. I am "that girl" that checks ingredient labels before I buy anything. So, let me do the research and give you the results! The first product you MUST TRY is Say Yes To Carrots Shampoo/Conditioner (It's B1G1 half at Walgreens right now). There was LOTS of trial and error before this great find! It smells amazing, lathers well and makes your hair feel amazing! I am really picky about my hair and was using a VERY expensive salon brand before I saw how horrible the ingredients were. Most shampoos contain parabens and sulfates that can cause breast cancer and are damaging to your skin. If you just love your shampoo and don't want to give it up, search for it here. It will rate beauty products on a scale of 1-10 (10 being most hazardous) so you can see how much damage you are doing to your beautiful self. Or, pick this product up next time you are at Walgreens becuase its not very expensive and you owe it to yourself! Disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on health. I'm eating a supreme personal pizza as I write this. Baby steps. Baby steps.



Honeymoon Finale

So, I lied. I just had to share a few more pictures. One morning it rained for about 10 minutes and produced a double rainbow. "A Double Rainbow! What does that meean?" (apparently from YouTube). It just looked like it came straight out of the water and went over the whole island.
Here is a pic of our overwater bungalow deck.
And another view of the water. I'm ready to go back.

Sweet Sunrise

This is the last post I'll make of the honeymoon, but no one who sees God's creation at its finest should ever keep it a secret! One morning, we decided to go watch the sunrise (at 5:45 am!). It comes up over the top of the island next to ours so we went to the very top and camped out. It just happened to be a cloudy morning so it took the Sun a good 45 minutes to completely show its face. We waited and clearly it was worth it. What a breathtaking view!! Enjoy!!

Helmet Dive

We didn't do too many structured activities because they took so much of the day. One day we did a spa treatment and the one day we did the Helmet Dive! What a cool experience! They basically drop you down to the bottom of the ocean with a space helmet on. It is attached to an oxygen cable so you can breathe, and you just walk around and look at whatever fish happen to swim by! You go out in groups of eight and we just happened to get grouped with Cindy McCain (Sen. John McCain's wife) and their children/friends. They were so much fun! It turned out that Cindy knew Ed's dad so we all just got to talking and having a big time! I guess I'm one of the few that can say I walked around the ocean floor with the McCains! ;) Here we all are in the boat: And here we are posing for the underwater cam:
They send you down with a mesh bag of bread attached to your body so the fish just SWORM you until all the bread is gone. That was interesting!
And then, a sting ray just happened to be in the neighborhood and took front and center stage! Some of the others touched it, but I thought that was a little much.
It was truly a once in a lifetime experience that both of us will never forget!

Honeymoon Introduction

Ed and I just recently got back from our honeymoon trip to Bora Bora. It will take several posts to show you all the pictures and highlights that I want to so get ready!!! One, it takes FOREVER to get there, but clearly from the pictures, it's worth it! The pictures don't even do justice to how breathtaking it was in person. We had a blast! We stayed one night in Tahita, then two nights in a hilltop villa, which was a bungalo that overlooked the whole island and ocean. The view from there was amazing! Then, we stayed a few nights in an overwater bungalow that had glass floors, end tables, etc. where you could see straight down to the ocean. So cool! We really enjoyed laying out, swimming, relaxing, etc. and just actually getting to be in the same place together since we don't live in the same state! So this first picture is us laying out at the hotel (you can see the overwater bungalos in the background). This is another view from the resort.

The view from our hilltop villa room.

A pic of us checking in to the hotel. They seat you with passion fruit juice and a cold wash cloth while you wait!


Let It Snow!

As my luck would have it, Northwest Arkansas has seen its worst winter in history (that might be a slight exxageration) with several large snow storms and lots of ice. We got hit with the latest storm sometime around 1:30 am and already have accumulated over 20" of snow. I think that is about all we are going to get today, but isn't that enough? Here are a few pictures of the beautiful snow and Mac trying to figure out how to use the facilities. I bet I couldn't even get my car out of the garage if I tried! I hope you are all safe and warm wherever you are. Mac and I are cuddled up working from the couch!


36 DAYS!!

It is hard to believe that in 36 days I'll be married. Married to a man who is perfect for me in every way. God has blessed us with a wonderful, fun, healthy relationship and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us! Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts leading up to this BIG, special day in our lives. And for those of you who are single...who think it's impossible that you will meet and marry the man of your dreams before you are 50 (HA)...just wait. God is faithful and if you seek Him, He will give you the desires of your heart.