

Chasing Daylight Chapter 3

1. Our days are numbered. We have no control over when or how we will die but we do have control over how we live. What has God been prodding you to do that you keep putting off? Is it a relationship that needs reconciling? Loving someone who is hard to love? Showing Christ to a lost soul?

2. God promises that “we can be certain about who He is and we can be certain about our relationship with Him, but how the journey plays out is full of uncertainties” (pg 72-73). We can choose to play it safe, give up and miss divine opportunities or we can trust “in the character of God, being certain in who God is and follow Him into the unknown” (pg 75). What can we learn from the story of Gideon and his trust in God?

3. The focus of our faith shouldn’t be to believe that something will happen; our faith is believing in someone and putting our complete confidence in Him. Our first-dimension faith is trusting God with all areas of our life: our finances, relationships, careers, etc. and making decisions based on His character for each. What area do you need to surrender completely to God?

4. “While first-dimension faith sees realities in the realm of possibilities, second-dimension faith sees realities in the realm of impossibilities.” If we only follow God when we know we will succeed, we limit God’s power. We often put contingencies on our faith: God if you do this one thing, then I’ll do that…..but by limiting our faith in God we are “squeezing Him out of the formula” (pg 82). How can we place full confidence in Him while letting go of our need to know all the details?

Challenge: “The door we fear going through the most may be the very one where we will meet God most profoundly” (pg 101). Take some time this week to pray that God will reveal to us who He is and allow us to be okay with not knowing every detail of the journey with Him. Let’s change our focus from what is going to happen and place it in the heart and character of God. Pray that God will remove our fears and let us get out of the way so that He can do mighty works in and through us!

Verses: 1 Sam 7:3; 2 Tim 1:8-9; Ephesians 2:10; James 4:17; Luke 22:42; Jer 1:7-8


Chasing Daylight Chapter 2

We had 18 in attendance last night at my "small group"! A new record! We even met at the church because we outgrew my lil house! Exciting stuff!!! Here is the Ch. 2 outline:

1. Many of us grew up learning what we should “not do” instead of what we should do. “We have put so much emphasis on avoiding evil that we have become virtually blind to the endless opportunities for doing good. We have defined holiness through what we separate ourselves from rather than what we give ourselves to” (pg 36). How can we shift our focus? What will happen as a result?

2. Jonathan did not “allow his circumstances to limit the impact of his life” (pg 38). What excuses are you giving God because of the circumstances you find yourself in (i.e. consequences of your past, financial struggles, a demanding schedule, lack of experience/courage, etc.)?

3. Many times we don’t act at all because we feel God hasn’t spoken to us in a “clear and undeniable way” (pg 44). We don’t always have to know exactly where we are going as long as we know why. If our “compass [is] the heart of God” he will “make sure He gets us to the right place at the right time. What God can do through a person who’s willing to act is limitless” (pg 45). Is there something God has placed on your heart that he is waiting for you to carry out?

4. All of us dream big, but for most “the closest we get to fulfilling our life’s dreams is watching them” through a TV screen (pg 48). “God counts it as a tragedy when we choose to simply watch life rather than live it” (pg 46). We cannot put our lives on hold; life moves forward whether we like it or not. Are you a sideliner? What can we do to take charge in our lives and live each moment to the fullest? What dreams are you “watching” instead of living?

Challenge: “Once you’re moving in a direction that is aligned with the character and heart of God, you find God’s personal mission for your life begins to come into focus” (pg 56). Spend some time this week praying and aligning yourself with the heart of God. That is the first step in discovering His purpose for our lives!

Verses: Acts 16:6-10; Psalms 37:4; Isaiah 43:19; John 10:10; James 4:13-17