

Mineral Fusion Lotion

I want to share with you my absolute favorite body lotion, Mineral Fusion. This lotion is thick and creamy, but soaks into your skin quickly. It contains no parabens so it is healthy for your skin (unlike most of the leading lotions (Vasoline, Bath & Body Works, etc.). Treat yourself to wonderful, smooth skin! You can get it at Whole Foods/Whole Body. Unfortunately, for the Arkansians, they do not sell it in our wonderful state, but you can order it online. :)

A Heathier YOU

Ok, I have been pretty bad about blogging (except to showcase my brag book of wedding pics) so I thought I needed to start blogging about something I'm passionate about that other people NEED to know about!! So here it is, the new direction of the blog: HEALTHY LIVING. Ed has really gotten me focused and addicted to trying to eat better, live longer and use products that do not contain hazardous chemicals, toxins, etc. I am "that girl" that checks ingredient labels before I buy anything. So, let me do the research and give you the results! The first product you MUST TRY is Say Yes To Carrots Shampoo/Conditioner (It's B1G1 half at Walgreens right now). There was LOTS of trial and error before this great find! It smells amazing, lathers well and makes your hair feel amazing! I am really picky about my hair and was using a VERY expensive salon brand before I saw how horrible the ingredients were. Most shampoos contain parabens and sulfates that can cause breast cancer and are damaging to your skin. If you just love your shampoo and don't want to give it up, search for it here. It will rate beauty products on a scale of 1-10 (10 being most hazardous) so you can see how much damage you are doing to your beautiful self. Or, pick this product up next time you are at Walgreens becuase its not very expensive and you owe it to yourself! Disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on health. I'm eating a supreme personal pizza as I write this. Baby steps. Baby steps.