

Thanksgiving in Oahu

I am so thankful that I was able to spend my Thanksgiving in Hawaii with Ed and the Jehovah's Witness Convention of 30,000!! Although it was my first Thanksgiving away from my family....I'll see them at Christmas! ha Ed used to live there so I had local tour guides! His parents are also world travelers so we got free food/drinks at the hotel every day and got upgraded to first class on the way home! They really spoiled me! Because of the holiday, we missed out on the luau and snorkeling at Hanauma Bay......but we did plenty of other sightseeing! Some highlights: 30' waves at North Shore and lunch overlooking the ocean, Dole Pineapple Plantation, sunset dinner at Orchids, malasadas at Leonard's and banana daiquiris by the pool! We saw tons of rainbows on our morning walks and got lots of pool time! Here are a few of my favorite pics! There were so many beautiful flowers.....
and rainbows....
and beaches!!!!!


Live for Today

Lately, I've been thinking alot about living like today was my last day on earth. I know what you're thinking, how morbid! But really, it's the best way to live! We are only promised THIS MOMENT, so why not live life to the fullest? Here are some things I ask myself constantly (and struggle with daily):

In relationship with Christ - Have I confessed all my sins to God? Have I made that relationship my number one priority? Have I done everything in my power to further the kingdom? Have I put my trust in Him? Have I abandoned myself to His will?

In relationship with Self - Have I reconciled any differences with others? Have I forgiven others who have wronged me? Have I given everything I possibly can to help and love others as Christ loves me? Have I gone after my dreams and my calling in life?

In relationship with Others - Have I told them everything I need to? Have I put as much effort into the relationship as I should? Do I need to apologize to them for anything? Is there anything I need to talk to them about? A relationship with Christ? A concern I have for them? Have I loved them unconditionally without judging them?

While I'm human and will fail along the way, my desire is to have no regrets in this life. We should always strive to live for today. Tomorrow will worry about itself. Let's cherish the relationships God has given us, love unconditionally, forgive often, laugh even more, and praise God for the blessings he has given us!

Do you all think about these things or am I just odd?


Eight is TOO MUCH!

This Halloween Ed and I decided to go as Jon and Kate Gosselin (pre-wrecked marriage of course). I had no idea that we could look so much like them but man, it was hysterical! My boss had an unbelievable party with a spread of food and decorations by the U-Haul (no seriously, they have so many, they bring them from a storage facility in a U-Haul and it took them a week to get the house ready. Many asked, "where are the kids?" but according to my wig, Eight is too much, so we had to leave the kids at home with Jon's girlfriend. :) It was a super fun weekend but I'm glad to be out of that itchy wig and Ed was glad to lose the muffin top! Tara and Ryan came as a witch and her "black cat". HA She wanted to be a witch but wanted them to be a matching set so when asked what they should do, I suggested he either be her black cat or her broom.....he chose the kitty. Meow! Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween!!


Cast Iron Crisis

Tuesday after work I set out to be productive and ambitious and I was off to a great start: a successful completion of Billy Blank's Boot Camp and I didn't miss a beat.... now on to dinner. I was making Apple-and-Fennel Roasted Pork Tenderloin (which was QUITE delicious if you are looking for new recipes) and roasted sweet potatoes with cinnamon and honey. I sliced the apples, the onion, and the fennel and seasoned the meat. I was heating some oil in a cast iron skillet so I could sear the meat when I heard a huge POP!!! Um........yeah, the 50 lb cast iron skillet cracked and exploded oil and black stuff all over the stove. No worries right? Nothing soap and water won't fix. Then as I picked up the skillet to move it off the hot burner, a fire erupted from underneath and looked something like this......
I immediately began jumping up and down (for some reason, the stop, drop and roll thing just wouldn't come to me) and blowing like it was my 6th birthday and I was wishing for a brand new pink bike with pom poms on the handles or a little brother named Rameed. Apparently I have the lungs of a clown because I was able to blow that sucker right out. No problemo. Shew. Crisis averted.


Habitat for Humanity

Yesterday, I participated in Habitat for Humanity with a group of friends. I must say I had NO idea what I was getting into, but it was EXTREMELY rewarding. Here is a run down:

5 am Alarm..trying to think of an excuse not to go
6 am Meet Alli and head to Starbucks
6:30ish Pick up Courtney....wait in parking lot for Derrell.........
6:45 Wait for Derrell some more......
7:30 Arrive at lot 75 (coasting in on fumes) and exhausted from Derrell's endless car conversation (of which he claims was a gift from God that AM) to find that orientation/training has just ended.
8:00-8:30 Stand around, look clueless and wait for someone to tell me what to do.
8:30-lunch Pick up very large pcs of roof and hurl them up on top of the house all by myself (ok that last part was a stretch)
Lunch-4 - Paint the trim for the house....paint it again....haul 2x4 back and forth to the "horses" it rain....then paint once more....
4 pm - Clean up!

Time to go and I have NO gas in my car. I was so afraid we would run out on the way home that I asked Ash to follow us to a gas station just in case we didn't make it. I was so ready to get there and not waste anymore gas that I actually drove off with Derrell's body in the car and feet still on the sidewalk. HA! That was too hysterical. Sorry Cookies!
We finally made it to a gas station and the cashier says, "Ma'am. We normally don't allow anyone in the store without shoes on, but since you are so beautiful, we're gonna let this slide" (in a Jamaican accent) HA I had thrown my shoes away bc they were covered in mud and bc of it I almost got thrown out of the gas station! :)
The car ride home was much quieter than the ride there bc we were just exhausted. Derrell still talked, but this time we were too tired to even respond. :)
Overall it was amazing to see how quickly a home can be built for someone in need when that many people give up just one day to help out. I pray that God will bless Timothy, his nephew, and their new home for many years to come!


Pray for Sergio

I am so excited about my new child sponsorship with Compassion International! His name is Sergio David Rodas Linares. He is from Honduras and is ten years old. He is such a cutie!!! I picked him because he looks like Alyssa's son Zakaria who is cute as a button!! Sorry about the pic but I took this from a laminated packet. I like to think of that bright shining spot as his lil angel! Sergio has six siblings and loves to play soccer, marbles and ride a bicycle. I am looking forward to pen palling with Sergio and praying for him. Through Compassion, he will participate in church activities and Bible classes and will opportunities to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. The sponsorship will go toward not only helping Sergio get food and education, but will also help his family and his village. Please say a prayer for Sergio and his family as they live in one of the poorest countries in Central America!


To Wii or Not to Wii

I am SERIOUSLY debating on whether to get a Nintendo Wii Fit and Wii Active in order to make working out more fun. I have read articles that debate whether or not you actually can lose weight/improve your health or whether it just gets people off the couch for a few minutes.
I personally do not workout out at all right now so my thought process is, "any exercise is better than no exercise" right? But I don't want to waste $300-400 on the thing if its not going to help me get into shape.
Do you have a Wii fit? Do you find it helps you to be more active? Has it helped you to lose weight/tone?


Yancey en Panama

My friend Kristin (click here for her blog) is in Panama with the Peace Corps. I was just reading her blog and so AMAZED at the strength this woman has. First of all, I wouldn't make it two days in the situation she is in and I must say that I'm shocked that she has made it a month! She takes bucket baths, uses a latrane, sometimes doesn't have water and electricity and has seen/killed every bug you can IMAGINE! She has learned a new language (Spanish) and is doing an amazing thing by helping a third world country develop their tourism industry and I know she is also affecting everyone she meets there with her contagious smile! Yancey, I'm SO proud of you and laugh so hard at your stories because I know you well enough to know EXACTLY how you are reacting both physically and verbally in these situations. HA HA It won't let me post a comment to your blog so consider this my comment. Hang in there sister and look to God for strength. He is the only one of us that will be there with you since there are bugs and snakes and stuff. he he I mean, can you see Ellie or I killing a cockroach???? Love you sister! You are an inspiration to us all!


The Dissapointment

I was so dissapointed last night in the season finale of Bros and Sisters. That is my favorite show (it's the only show I watch religiously) and I was expecting great things. A season finale should make you laugh or cry or make your jaw drop. I did none of these. It was still a great episode but something MAJOR should have happened. I am sick of the whole family business plot and want more of the drama! I mean, I know Kiddy and Robert separated, and Rebecca and Justin are engaged but I felt like they could've done something to make those events bigger! I am still going to be counting down the days until next season, just a little frustrated at the ending. I mean, last week's episode was 10 x better than this weeks! Pressure is on Bros & Sis! Next season better be AMAZING!


Bucket List

There's been lots of talk recently about bucket lists as my friends and I have done quite a bit of traveling lately. First it was NY for me, then Gatlinburg the next weekend for Kristin's going away party. She is leaving us for 27 months to go to Panama for the Peace Corps and we are going to miss her SO MUCH!!!!!! Ed and I have come up with our own bucket list (or more like a to do list) of things we want to do and experience together and its really been fun dreaming of all the places we wish to eat at and travel to. My top three....hmmm....probably Hawaii, Italy and Greece! I know, this is one expensive list. But we also want to do some local fun things like eat at Loveless Cafe and my favorite, Bread & Company. I can't wait to experience all of these things with you B! What would be the top three places on your "bucket list"?


NYC Trip

Diane and I met her sister and her friend in NYC for a girls weekend! We had a blast!!!!! We saw Mary Poppins on Broadway, Central Park, Bryant Park, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, SOHO, 5th Avenue, Empire State Building, Wall Street, NYSE, and on and on.....all in 3 days!

My favorite pic (of the 5 I actually took) was of these beams that were left behind when the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11th and they were found in this exact formation. What a testiment to the fact that our Lord is still working in our world today! He surrounds His people even in the middle of a national crisis!

We had an incredible and action packed weekend but my wallet is glad that I'm home. Now off to Gatlinburg for another girls weekend.....



Definitions of community: a group of people living in a particular local area; common ownership; common interests; agreement as to goals. Today I am joining a new community (click the link to join one too)! A community of people who are curious about our Creator and who desire to live life as HE desires. We are meeting once a week at my house and are studying a book called Jaded by Mike Harder. We will also be eating...because I think Webster left that definition off the list. In my opinion, community = food. :) My prayer for this new group is that God will show up and move in BIG ways, that we can learn from one another and hold each other accountable, and that we will develop healthy friendships and have some fun along the way! I think it is crucial for Christians to have a small group of believers to "do" life with. Some call it a support group, I call it a community. Sometimes we need someone from the outside looking in to guide us, teach us, pray for us/with us, and love us! Sometimes we need to talk things out and sometimes we just need to listen. That's what community is all about! Do you think its crucial for believers to be involved in a small group or a community that study's God's word and lives life together?


Global Warming

Here are a few pics of the recent ice storm to take over many parts of the US including Kentucky and that caused my family to all come stay at my house! It was a treat for me to have my family here, but the circumstances are devastating for them. Many of my family members are still without running water or electricity and are having to stay in hotels. You'll love this: my dad ground up (smashed) coffee beans on a plate and ran bottled water over them in a filter into a pan. Then he heated the pan on the grill in 20 degree weather in order to get his morning coffee....HA HA That was before he scraped his steps with a 3" ice scraper and then chainsawed his way out of town to come see me for the weekend!! :) I so wish I had pictures of that!
So, be thankful that you can drink hot coffee while you read this because there are thousands, probably millions of Americans right now who cannot even get water from the faucet or take a hot shower! And they say it will be weeks before they get power back. Heavenly Father, thank you for the many many blessings we take for granted every day, Amen.


My Apologies, Mr. President

I have been feeling very guilty for my last post. Although there are many issues I disagree with, it isn't my place to judge him and make "exaggerated" comments because I'm bitter. I clearly am not as smart or as courageous as Obama and I haven't even given him a chance to show our country that he is truly on our side and desires to see us grow and prosper as a nation. As Christians, we have a right to our political opinions, but we shouldn't judge, accuse, or condemn others for their opinions. Especially when we haven't given them a chance to succeed or fail. And to those 2 million Americans who attended the inauguration: I have no idea how you paid to go and clearly I don't care. My concern is that a great number of you look to Obama as an idol or icon rather than the next president of the United States. I just hope that you truly see something in him that will change our nation for the better and that you don't just see the color of his skin. I hope you aren't just jumping on the emotional bandwagon, but that you truly care enough about our nation that you would travel to DC to show your patriotism and prayerful support for our next president, Barack Obama. Now, to those of you who quit your job to be on the Bachelor.......I have no apologies.


What Recession? The $170 Million Inauguration

You're probably thinking I'm just bitter because my candidate didn't win. Well I can't say I'm jumping for joy! I told myself that there is nothing I can do to change the election results and that I should start supporting and praying for Barack and hoping that he can and will do what all he says he's gonna do. But so far I'm honestly just feeling like all this "by the people, for the people" B.S. and all the other promises Obama is making are all JUST CRAP!
I mean, who says, first thing on the agenda is fixing our broken and recession tagged economy ...................... right after we throw a $170 million party to celebrate ME! (monetary figure from Let me add that a portion of the money raised to throw these parties was donated by executives who were recently "BAILED OUT" with your tax dollars. That makes a lot of sense. And what about the 2 million Americans who traveled to D.C. just to see this extravagant event take place? I thought we were in a recession. I guess they just put this trip on the VISA or perhaps failed to pay their mortgage so they could swear in the president who will take their money and give it to the lazy people who don't want to work for a living or the ones who quit their job so they can make an appearance on the Bachelor. Maybe if they are lucky, there will be a bailout plan for Obama supporters.
And how much did Stevie Wonder make from this? Sheesh, I thought the guy was dead. Apparently not. He starred in every song. What ever happened to honoring those who fight every day for our freedom? Instead of paying Beyonce, EZE, Usher, Stevie, Vanilla Ice and Rapper Joe to sing at the inauguration, what about paying for our troops to fly home to see their families for just one day? To see their sons and daughters and perhaps to be honored in their own country for the hard work and sacrifice they are making?
I confess I am bitter and not one bone in my body is excited that Obama is President. However, I am going to commit (though I will need some very faithful accountability partners) to overlook the contradictions, false claims, and other ridiculous facts about this entire election/inauguration process and pray for our future, hopeful that Obama will commit to living out all of the miraculous plans he has claimed to achieve for this country and that we, the people, will come together and ensure our rights are preserved rather than abused. We must do everything in our control to bring justice and equality to this country, which is not achieved by spreading the wealth (just so you know). The money you work very hard to earn for your family is yours to freely give as YOU see fit and as God tells you to give. But that's just my humble opinion.
Thanks for letting me vent. Now in all seriousness, God bless America and God bless Barack Obama, Michelle and their girls and especially YOU for reading my blog. We truly live in a great Nation. Let's keep it that way! :)



Apparently my four year old nephew is capable of giving girls butterflies! He is in pre-kindergarten for crying out loud!! Look at this girl...she is so giddy! This is Emma, his girlfriend. I can't get over this pic so I just had to share. I mean, who could blame her? He is the cutest thing I've ever seen! :) We are gonna have to lock him up or lock the girls out!


I miss the Holidays already!

This is a prime example of why I will miss the Holidays. No more colorful strolls down Huntington Parkway! HA HA HA I think they must have a savings account JUST for Christmas decorations!! Unbelievable. I should have gotten a day pic too because you are missing Santa in this picture....he is hanging off the roof! :)