

Helmet Dive

We didn't do too many structured activities because they took so much of the day. One day we did a spa treatment and the one day we did the Helmet Dive! What a cool experience! They basically drop you down to the bottom of the ocean with a space helmet on. It is attached to an oxygen cable so you can breathe, and you just walk around and look at whatever fish happen to swim by! You go out in groups of eight and we just happened to get grouped with Cindy McCain (Sen. John McCain's wife) and their children/friends. They were so much fun! It turned out that Cindy knew Ed's dad so we all just got to talking and having a big time! I guess I'm one of the few that can say I walked around the ocean floor with the McCains! ;) Here we all are in the boat: And here we are posing for the underwater cam:
They send you down with a mesh bag of bread attached to your body so the fish just SWORM you until all the bread is gone. That was interesting!
And then, a sting ray just happened to be in the neighborhood and took front and center stage! Some of the others touched it, but I thought that was a little much.
It was truly a once in a lifetime experience that both of us will never forget!


  1. I absolutely love that pic where Ed is holding you! Hilarious!
